British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read

Someone on the question-and-answer website Quora asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:
A few things spring to mind.
Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem.
For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.
So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.
Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever.
I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman.
But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.
Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers.
And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.
There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface.
Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront.
Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul.
And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist.
Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that.
He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat.
He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.
And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully.
That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead.
There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down.
So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:
• Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.
• You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.
This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss.
After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum.
God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid.
He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.
In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.
And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish:
‘My God… what… have… I… created?
If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set.

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921 thoughts on “British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read

  1. This author is BRITISH!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
    Yep, I guess Trump was totally stupid to close-off flights into New York before Britain and EU thought of it.YEA, totally stupid. Everyone called Trump racist then yet the proactive act saved the spread!
    I find all these presidental hate politics forum offensive when the USA and world is going through death and major world crisis.
    Can you explain this one to me how this helps??
    Hey, if I lose friends over it, I don’t care! I think it is wrong to propagate on fb in this MANNER NOW.
    Did anyone stop to think the thousands of people risking their lives who work for the President?
    I guess folks must like to read in print how the British are laughing at US NOW???
    Oh THUMBS DOWN and my finger to the BRITISH author !!


    1. Who exactly are the “thousands of people risking their lives who work for the President”? I hope you do not mean members U.S. military who do not “WORK FOR” Donald Trump. I assume you do not mean the U.S. State Department, where almost half of the top-level jobs are still empty – almost three years into the administration.

      No – the American people “risking their lives” right now under Trump, are the first responders in the Covid-19 crisis: Nurses, doctors, rescue workers, food transportation workers… WORKERS! And these DO NOT work for Donald Trump.

      You also ask, “Can you explain… how this helps??” Trump tweeted about “Crooked Hillary” 10 minutes ago. Tell The Hobbledehoy how that “helps.”


    2. I would like to know your education level, and also where you get your news from. This author has so accurately described our president and his base that it must sting. Your “facts” about closing borders, etc seem petty in the light of FACTS about how he is currently failing our states, or medical community and letting our people die while he jockeys for political position and still bullies others during COVID briefings. Not to mention the tens of thousands of other embarrassing, mean and corrosive-to-democracy acts that preceded this.

      Your answer and your ilk convince me that you can, indeed, lead a horse to water but you can’t make him be intelligently observant and compassionate. I embrace the “Two Americas” idea—give you and the right-wing radicals who support this despicable human being their own country-inside-a-country while the other snowflakes and I will keep our “elitist” metro areas— and let’s check back in 10 years and see which is thriving. I’m willing to bet my childrens’ future that yours will be consumed with hate, prejudice and probably a virus that surprisingly was real and not a Democrat hoax or fake news story.


    3. I was going to inquire as to how anyone could be so blind and ignorant, but then I realized that would be a stupid question, you are a Rumpster! THIS ARTICLE IS FROM MARCH OF 2019! You are a Rumpster! “How the British are laughing at US NOW?” The whole friggen world is laughing at the US NOW as the deranged moron in chief, the lying,, cheating, thieving, womanizing, child abusing, incestual, racist, egotistical, dictating low-life slowly destroys every part of this country that does not bend down to kiss pudgys ass! “Did anyone stop to think the thousands of people risking their lives who work for the President?” What the hell are you talking about? OH! You are a Rumpster! First up, the idiot was elected into office to represent (work for) the American people! The thousands working for him? Rumpster! Referring to his lawyers, accountants and paid for whores?0 Hell, his personal security assignments won’t even risk their lives for this demented piece of shit! I am not even going to continue on questioning the other “statements” you made. Just want to add a couple of actual “timely” facts: Your self-proclaimed “chosen one” eliminated the very departments and staff that could have “saved the spread” before it even started so he could have more money for his wall! He was warned in January about the very real (not fake news), damage this virus could have on this country. Didn’t want to be bothered because it would interfere with his reelection rallies! After a few deaths, he handed it over to his lackey, robotic idiot pence, until he saw the opportunity for himself, this would have him in front of the cameras every day! Lastly, just another asinine comment out of the assholes mouth; Governor Cuomo stated that the largest number of deaths in NY are in the “Black and Hispanic neighborhoods”. Your kings response, “Sounds like we are just taking out the trash in NY”.


      1. Chris I don’t doubt Trump would say that last thing about “taking out the trash”, but I can’t find it. Do you have a source I could use? Or was that more of a metaphorical quote? Thanks.


    4. Jamie, you either have a mental illness and should seek help before you lose the rest of your tenuous grip on reality, or you’re just very easy to fool.
      Trump wasted literally months denying the seriousness of this pandemic, and he directly caused the deaths of thousands of people. Concerned about nothing but his ego, he lied and denied – causing the spread to be hundreds of times worse than it would be had ANY adult been in charge. Please try harder to use your brain.


    5. I’m American and the article is spot on. So to you thumbs down and two middle fingers. Your attempt at being articulate falls far short of a fifth grader.


    6. Mr White wrote his remarks long before Covid 19 was a thing. I’ve read it on Quora and on Facebook when it was shared before, so now I’ve already marveled at his wordsmithing three times.
      Oh, and STOP the spread!? Really??


      1. You really need to reread these responses. You either don’t read and comprehend well or you have a problem with truth & facts.


    7. He has lied and is still lying to us EVERY SINGLE DAY! We have almost as many COVID positive patients as the rest of the world. And yes, the numbers from the rest of the world are suppressed, BUT THEY ARE HERE AS WELL. It is terrifying that any Americans would ever stick behind this OBVIOUS charlatan, but he always said he loved the uneducated. Do the world a favor and stay home this November.


    8. How a Trumpy can straight-faced and with an air of derision throw out the phrase “hate politics”….

      Boggles the mind.

      Synaptic revolt.

      Cognitive dissonance run riot.


    9. Trump invites criticism by his very manner. He attacks any and all who criticize him. His response to the virus was, as per usual, a one trick pony with no fore thought and no follow up. The evidence is overwhelming that he bears the responsibility for both the larger number of deaths and the financial crisis that will ensue. He follows the Republican playbook on states only, no need for a Coordinated federal government response. Let’s cripple the Feds. Let people believe the Feds are incapable and therefore as we eliminate the bureaucracy ( institutional knowledge) and science and scientists and Privatize and institutionalize bias against Fact.
      and put in our unqualified, essentially corrupt judges and we deregulate Corporate oversight, the poor folks that go to sue the chemical co for poisoned water and air
      And churned up wildlife and wilderness lands, and mining waste and health and safety violations and prison reform and job discrimination and election laws.
      There will be no one else to turn too. Even the average Joe and the Democrats are too low information to see that this 40 year Republican plan
      Is the reason they don’t have universal affordable healthcare and job security and higher wages and green spaces and high speed rail and high speed internet and a social safety net and 1960’s era wealth taxes and monopoly regulations for a true free market
      and fair elections, etc
      He may go, but the Republicans skate free with their own politburo ( Fox) and no one is the wiser…


    10. I don’t know where my reply went, but it was meant for the guy who loves the idiot. Not for the sensible people who think he’s an idiot.


    11. Exactly what you can expect from British! Glad I don’t live there!!!
      Consider looking at your mess of a country first.


    12. Trump denied the pandemic was even a thing until end of February (ex: Trump claiming the coronavirus was a “democratic hoax,” at a rally end of January)!!! Then it’s all surface happy talk from him “we’ve got everything under control, everything is fine” and when experts try to speak on the matter he tries to shit on their credibility (ex: retweeting #FireFauci, talking on national TV about the World Health Organization having a hidden agenda, threatening to defund) He says one thing and not even the next day scowls: “I NEVER SAID THAT!” He doesn’t care about you or me. If we died from this we’d just be another fucking number & he’d continue dividing the country into fucking chaos.


    13. Fiddler72,
      I wish you were right. But, friends in red states have gone to dt rallies to protest and have confirmed that the majority of attendees are not the demographic you would expect. As for myself, I know several people who are lifelong Republicans and support him. One, an 80 year old woman explained to me that his style was not her style but he would make political moves that she supports, and he has. Moscow Mitch at his side, changing the courts. America is racist, sexist country and that may not be so different from much of the world, but it is one of the biggest reasons he is in office.
      Jaime, this article was written and published long before covid19. This is a reprint. Dt doesn’t give a lick for your life or mine.


    14. I’m a USA first responder serving my country and the poor folk infected with Covid. I sure as hell am not doing it for Trump. This opinion piece nails it. This guy is not only an idiot, he is, via his inaction and gross inability, a murderer. Wakeup.


    15. I’m wondering just how proud you are now of Trump’s role in the development of the virus in America. I’m always impressed by the consistency of the touting of Trump’s accomplishments by his base, backed up by a list of precisely zero actual accomplishments. Evidence please. Just evidence.
      This is not a complicated request. (Hint: we’re not holding our breath).


    16. Jamie, now that quite a bit of dust has settled and your hero has been shown the door, are you still as self-righteous as you were back in April 2020? Your American chauvinism and rejection of British criticism appear to have been for nought. You can criticize me, I you, and the Brits can criticize any country they damned well please. But what stands out in this case is that they were right. And that is something you might want to ponder. Blowing your own horn would be a far more pleasant endeavour if you had a good tune to play.


  2. How come the brits always believe us Americans enjoy their nasty opinions. We could care less about who your next PM will be, or what the current one has done wrong. It truly is amazing how your government switches them out, good or bad!
    As for Trump, he has many flaws, but he has done what he claimed to do. The electoral college majority authenticated his win but our slobbering Democrats couldn’t accept their loss. They filled the media with crap and look how the British people sucked it up, bought into all the BS. Talk about shallow and having no talent or wit.
    A good amount of us on this side of the pond wanted a different kind of candidate. Both parties put the usual supply of has been and wanna bees that were the product of Washington DC culture. More of the same and totally boring. Along came Trump with nothing to personally gain, other than the title of Mr. President, and it became a large flush of fresh air.
    Besides, don’t even say he was going to make more money, every President has made more money from the position, along with some of the lifetime members of Congress who never seem to go away.
    As a service man stationed in England I was told never to say anything bad or derogatory about the royal family. I respected that instruction from my government. I think the British people should stick their nose into the business of somebody else, maybe China as a start.


    1. It is typical of a delusional Trump supporter (delusional to believe Trump has done anything other than concern himself with his own ego) to say “could care less.” The phrase is “couldn’t care less.” The opposite. 3rd-grade level stuff there.


    2. Titanium is what “fake orange “ has instead of brains. And seems like you also have that incapacitated brain. Please don’t reply, you’re just making it worst for the country.


    3. To Titanium:
      You said “The electoral college majority authenticated his win””.”
      Have you come down from your crackhead high yet to watch the news?


  3. The description of Trump attributed to Nate White is full of disrespect and contempt not to mention animosity and hostility. I thought the British humour had more decency and reserve. As an American citizen, I find this article insulting and offensive.


    1. Thanks for posting your comments. Please use The Hobbledehoy “search” box and type in the names, Spike Milligan, or The Goon Show, or Monty Python, or Billy Connolly. If these geezers are unfamiliar – check out Ricky Gervais, as he’s everywhere these days. And if these suggestions are too male-centric, The Hobbledehoy also love Jane Horrocks, Jennifer Saunders and the hilarious and beautiful Kathy Burke..

      No – British comedy’s main ingredient is not “decency and reserve”However, you are absolutely correct in your assertion that Trump is a hopeless twat.

      Or was it I who said that last bit about Trump being a twat? Regardless – watch the latest Steve Coogan movie and please send us your review as we have yet to see it.


      1. Only brainwashed idiots believe all these comments about Trump! No he is not a polished career politician like what you Democrats think are important! Trump has kept every promise he made to the people who supported him! The liberal owned controlled media brainwashed their viewers everyday! Good luck with the corrupt Biden Family in power now with a Vice President who got where she is by banging people with power to get where she now!


    2. As an American… I find it spot on accurate.

      On behalf of all Americans of intelligence maturity compassion and good will I apologize
      for inflicting this poor excuse for a president and a human being on the rest of the world.

      I live for the day when his name is no longer mentioned in the daily news.


    3. “. . . disrespect and contempt . . . animosity and hostility . . . ” are you referring to everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth on a daily basis?

      These are just the facts – he has “no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace.” Not only is he an idiot, he’s a terrible, terrible person who now has directly caused thousands of deaths that he could have prevented just by prioritizing anything over himself. This article is too kind to him.


    4. You apparently are unfamiliar with British humor, which since at least the 1700s (Sheridan) is known for its sharpness. It was a Brit who said, “A gentleman never insults anyone accidentally.” How about this: A woman seated next to Churchill at a state dinner once said, “If you were my husband, I would put poison in your wine.” Churchill replied, “Madam, if you were my wife I would drink it.” These are well known quotes. There’s an even juicier dinner-table quote by George Bernard Shaw that you can look up, where he compares the woman next to him to a prostitute..

      If you don’t have a chance to view British comedies on TV or on the stage, just go to Wikipedia and learn.

      And by the way – as an American, I am glad the vast majority of people around the world have contempt for Trump, just like the majority of Americans, who did not vote for this minority President.


  4. Yes all is true but he’s got a lot of money and and a beautiful wife that will leave him I’m hoping someday when she gets smart but he is a asshole that’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it I hope he just doesn’t run us into the gutter


  5. These comments are a Disgrace – so much lying and misinformation – suggestions and personal animosity towards President Trump. I am English, born and raised, living in America and I read all the news out there and watch live presentations and I am shocked by the misinformation which the British news media, including the BBC and the Eurovision people are spreading. (Also some on the American News Rooms who have an agenda and want him out). He has done more positively for the American people than the majority of American Presidents have done and will go down in History as one of the Greatest. Shame On YOU. (I bet you could not deal with the deliberate subterfuge going on that is being spread around. Before you criticize again, ask yourself if you could ever be President and do as well as he has?)- He really cares about the American People – who have been giving moneys to many European Countries to help them out financially since I was born in 1942. Apologize. I demand that you do! There are many poor people in America who now need help!


    1. I believe you are as about as English as a Big Mac with double cheese, but regardless of where you were born or where you now live, your belief that Trump is “one of the Greatest” presidents is complete bollocks. He will be remembered as the Greatest twat.


    2. Wow! You think a lying, narcissistic, vile, ignorant, woman abuser, con man, bully who is now responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans is a great president! You have some really low standards. I guess you would give good marks to Hitler also.


      1. A Coma! Now that’s an excellent idea. Let’s hope the valet walla has taken care of that for us.


  6. As an American who is registered independent, I would rate this description as remarkably accurate, and as one that is unfortunately bolstered by what we have heard from the White House since it was published.


  7. Your description of possibly one of the most repellent people I have ever had as president is spot on. I cannot think of anyone who is least suited to run a country than him. Thank you


  8. i am an American citizen also and agree completely with this description of Trump. The man is totally amoral, and is the textbook definition of a narcissist. And a narcissist cares for nobody but himself. The thing he has done as president is to divide our country by lying interminably, bullying and denigrating others, preying on people’s fears, and stomping on the most vulnerable. He NEVER looks for a way to bring us — all of us– together in a way that serves the needs of all. If you believe he has done a “great job” as president, then you have drunk the poisoned kool-aid, And stop with the shit about the mainstream media (in US or elsewhere) spreading “misinformation” about Trump — what you are hearing is the truth, something Trump never wants you to hear.


  9. When you have a corrupt town, you hire a new Marshall. The corrupt people will hate him because he will ruin their scams, and the establishment will resent him because he brings change, and everyone fears him because they can’t control him. But he is the only one standing between the globalists agenda and personal liberty. He is fighting in an uncouth manner, but at least he is fighting – not like the meally-mouthed so-called gentlefolks that kneel before their masters and give up because it is the polite thing to do. I’ll take Trump


    1. Ha ha ha ha  ha….  That’s a good one!  What are you five years old ?  Get off your hobby horse and get real.

      Trump cut the budget for the CDC and  dismantled the CDC office in China (staffed by embedded American scientists) which could have alerted us the corona virus  was coming and could be really deadly.  

      Why? Because he’s a cheap, ignorant, self centered, simple minded, short sighted  man… but mostly because it was an “Obama” era program. 

      That program was set up after the the SARs MERSA and Ebola scares of tbe Bush and Obama eras showed what could happen if world health organizations   didnt share critical  information  about emerging potentially deadly diseases and work together to prevent  a world pandemic.

      Instead “Pennywise”  Trump chose to give massive  “Pound foolish”  tax breaks to rich American  business owners making them even richer. 

      Well looks like …”the Bull Market giveth and the Bear Market taketh away”…blessed be Donald Trump…your chosen lord and personal saviour.

      When Trump was running for president, one of his campaign slogans was “What have you got to lose…?”

      Now we know the answer:  “Yo Mama!”


    2. Mr. Kehoe you have hung yourself out to dry as one of those simple-minded souls who actually believe what the troll tells them. Again, poor America with this idiot at the helm. History will not be kind to him or to the fools who follow him. Write that down and let us all know in ten years how it works out. Your grandchildren will want to know why you supported such poor excuse for a human being. Obama haters may have had issue with his governance. Fair enough, but no-one ever claimed he was unworthy of the title ‘human being,’ Supporters and enemies alike all acknowledged his immense value as an exemplary decent man. People the world over are laughing at America for electing a troll. Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite. America used to be good enough to deserve Obama. Now America is bad enough to deserve Trump. As you make your bed…………


    3. I will take Trump also because the career politicians can’t buy Trump because Trump is working for us without a Salary! Most Presidents get rich in office as president like Obama and the Clintons! Trump will lose money by the time he is out!


  10. Spot on! Sad watching how he’s handled Covid-19 in comparison to other countries. It’s not the country it once was and it will continue on a decline as long as he has his following, which consist of two types; a. The completely ignorant, and b. The greedy. He’s a major stake holder in their only source of news for them Fox and Friends, which if you want to laugh, just watch what they all said when rona came around. They seriously thought it was a conspiracy. I think America will never be the country is was and many will leave for a better life.


    1. What did he do? He talked nonsense again for three hours. So, all he did is all he knows how to do: stand thTry to consider that the man was about to celebrate his new Trump Network and got the news that instead of leaving the election behind as a clever gimmick, the con job that got funding for his Trump Network, he had to set it all aside because somehow the totally unexpected and unwanted happened: he won! Once in, he looked for “what’s in it for me?” as he did all his life. When nothing was offered and he realized that even GWBush got overwhelmed (that’s why he’s so quiet now, he doesn’t want people to see the crazy decisions he left hidden under the Presidential bed) Trump decided to milf the Presidency for all it has to offer. Now he’s caught up in all the avarice of his Republican backers and the job’s too hard for his infantile attention span. So he looks at the world through the childish prism of his entire life and ask: how can I make it pay? As President it’s not hard. But if he is the perinatal hypoxic he’s said to be, he’s like a ten years old playing president. He reads nothing (little boys don’t like to read as they are far-sighted by nature and just watched Fox & Friends for clues on what to react to. He then –from a totally self-centered perspective– like any other ten years old ho’s a pudgy weakling– makes it up as he goes, remembering that the more you bully, the less you have to fight…..and he can’t fight…indeed never could). Such people have to find conditions in which they can be cruel so they can be scary. Anyone can be cruel, but as his victims found out, cruelty is not strength. alas, all his enemies know that so, though it’s obvious that scares no one, a man of his abilities does all that he can do: do more and more of what can’t work because it’s all he knows how to do. It’s like if you can’t scald your enemies because your water is not hot enough, you just throw at them more water too cool to scald because there’s nothing else you can do. Perhaps if he felt less threatened with punishment for all his defrauding, he might be more reasonable. Alas, bullying as a luff is all he knows. Clearly, his performance at the CORONA press conferences have gone on so long that he even he knows that people are on to him. Whereas an anomalous poll seemed to indicate that his antics were working, making the Corona Briefings campaign rallies, suddenly a poll showing that he’s way down alarmed him. Soere and BS. Upon hearing that it was counterproductive, he remediated in the only way he knew how: by doubling his time babbling a the press conference. The poor man was duped by all those handlers who reassured him that he could get away with it. It would be really sad to see him defeated by Old, old, old, old, old, old and gone Joe Biden after all the effort he put into bludgeoning Biden with his son’s antics in Ukraine. In a way we’re lucky that that a headless Republican beat Hilary. Imagine what a corporate fiesta these four years would have been like if Mitch McConnell had been the President.





    What did he do? He talked nonsense again for three hours. So, all he did is all he knows how to do: just stand here, really, rocking sideways like a perinatal hypoxic baby chimp.Try to consider that the man was about to celebrate his new Trump Network and got the news that instead of leaving the election behind as a clever gimmick, the con job that got funding for his Trump Network, he had to set it all aside because somehow the totally unexpected and unwanted happened: he won! Once in, he looked for “what’s in it for me?” as he did all his life. When nothing was offered and he realized that even GWBush got overwhelmed (that’s why he’s so quiet now, he doesn’t want people to see the crazy decisions he left hidden under the Presidential bed) Trump decided to milf the Presidency for all it has to offer. Now he’s caught up in all the avarice of his Republican backers and the job’s too hard for his infantile attention span. So he looks at the world through the childish prism of his entire life and ask: how can I make it pay? As President it’s not hard. But if he is the perinatal hypoxic he’s said to be, he’s like a ten years old playing president. He reads nothing (little boys don’t like to read as they are far-sighted by nature and just watched Fox & Friends for clues on what to react to. He then –from a totally self-centered perspective– like any other ten years old ho’s a pudgy weakling–  makes it up as he goes, remembering that the more you bully, the less you have to fight…..and he can’t fight…indeed never could). Such people have to find conditions in which they can be cruel so they can be scary. Anyone can be cruel, but as his victims found out, cruelty is not strength. alas, all his enemies know that so, though it’s obvious that scares no one, a man of his abilities does all that he can do: do more and more of what can’t work because it’s all he knows how to do. It’s like if you can’t scald your enemies because your water is not hot enough, you just throw at them more water too cool to scald because there’s nothing else you can do. Perhaps if he felt less threatened with punishment for all his defrauding, he might be more reasonable. Alas, bullying as a luff is all he knows. Clearly, his performance at the CORONA press conferences have gone on so long that he even he knows that people are on to him. Whereas an anomalous poll seemed to indicate that his antics were working, making the Corona Briefings campaign rallies, suddenly a poll showing that he’s way down alarmed him. Soere and BS. Upon hearing that it was counterproductive, he remediated in the only way he knew how: by doubling his time babbling a the press conference. The poor man was duped by all those handlers who reassured him that he could get away with it. It would be really sad to see him defeated by Old, old, old, old, old, old and gone Joe Biden after all the effort he put into bludgeoning Biden with his son’s antics in Ukraine. In a way we’re lucky that that a headless Republican beat Hilary. Imagine what a corporate fiesta these four years would have been like if Mitch McConnell had been the President. 


  13. You don’t find Trump insultingly or offensives? Consider the countless men and women who have shed their blood and given their lives for this country only to find this draft-dodging, semi-literate, INCREDIBLE ass in charge. The red, white, and blue represents more than a photo-op for that shit-grinning clown. He’s got blood on his hands for those who died from his lack of action on the virus…and, frankly, so do his supporters!


  14. The author does a fine job of stripping the character of Trump limb from limb, but what difference does that make? What makes anyone believe we (I’m American) deserve better? The Democrats had three years to mount a better candidate to run on a better platform. You’d be lucky to squeeze a door jam between Biden and Trump. While it’s a daily workout to pummel the likes of the boorish oaf himself, we aren’t able to supply the demand with anything better. You get the leader you deserve. Overall, we’re doing fine here in the US. We just need a better wrapping on the Devil’s Candy. And if it’s to be Biden, well then fine. We’ll then be struggling with a whole different brand of dysfunction – with the same results.


    1. Michael, no matter who assumes the office of POTUS this next election, the one thing that could differentiate Biden from DJT is his ability to rise to an occasion and appoint people who can do competent discharging of their duties. Note that the (somewhat ultra-conservative) Wall Street Journal (historically a bastion of the Republican Party) Editorial Board took DJT to task on his daily Corona Virus conferences for prioritizing his RATINGS over furnishing needed and coherent information to we people that highlights the ego trip that characterizes him. Could there be some LOGIC if there were a freeze on funding for THE WALL and for the SPACE FORCE, and that funding transferred to the fight against the corona virus? Perhaps our world doesn’t need a space force to defend against extra-terrestial alien invaders- they probably know the corona will do us in so there’s no need to invade, as there’ll be no one left to occupy the planet so they can just step in.


  15. 99.99% is true . What is not true? He is too self aware . Everything starts and ends with him . No one else matters at all .


  16. This is all crap. Watch FOX Business news and learn something. It’s refreshing to hear someone speak who is not tiptoeing around being “politically correct”. It’s good to get some productivity in the USA again. The rest of the world laughs at us because we keep giving to them and they keep their hands out wanting more. By the way, do you think throwing food on Republicans like Sarah Sanders is kind and polite? It’s disgraceful the way the Dumbocrats are acting. R. Baker


  17. A marvelously accurate description, but sobering. A third of my country seems to have been seized by a mass psychosis. When I can bring myself to watch one of his press briefings– narcissistic,
    mendacious, bullying, preening, sententious and ignorant– I find myself turning to my wife in mute appeal: are we really witnessing this?


  18. It is always a problem finding words and concepts that Rumpers will understand. More than one syllable and they’re in trouble. Any literary reference is wasted. Appeals to general knowledge or familiarity with simple scientific information or indeed just common sense (not so common) are far over the Rumpers’ heads. Knowing what you’re talking about is a badge of dishonour amongst them.
    It is beyond the comprehension of this Canadian that there are actually people in the US who think this narcissistic troll is any better than the article’s eloquent description. We, along with most Brits, Australians, Africans, Europeans and just about everyone else in the world, are sore with laughing at this revolting excuse for a human being and at those who support his devastatingly dangerous antics. Were all this not so perilous for America and the rest of the world, we could simply turn our backs. But this bullying imbecile must be stopped. Get on with the job America. What are you waiting for?


  19. Anne, l too was born in England, since that seems to matter to you. My mother was a teenager during WW2 and volunteered for the Fire Service in London; now 93, and a naturalized American, she still receives a small pension for that service “from a grateful country.” My father was a supply sergeant in the US Army who, at 21, landed on a Normandy beach. Now that that’s over, I agree wholeheartedly with Michael Stevenson’s humorous takedown of the fool who was elected by a greedy Wall Street faction and an ill-educated, gullible, possibly hopeless, and possibly helpless, possibly also greedy minority thanks to an electoral college system that is as anachronistic as the Second Amendment. My only quibble with Stevenson is his claim that Britons find bullying/bullies the one “unforgivable” thing. That’s a stance, a pretense, that can only be viewed as self-righteously ridiculous, given Britain’s longstanding practice of this near-criminal, sometimes criminal, behavior throughout its public school system. Does The Hobbledehoy have no content editors? Anyway, Anne, what I am missing from your comment is specifics. I write perhaps not only for myself when I ask that you provide them. Tell us the specifics of what Trump has done to convince you he is one of the so-called Greats, tell us about the policies he has proposed or backed that make you see him as a champion of “many poor people in America.” Not just those who are desperately ill and dying now but the actual poor. And please do not waste our time. We need details that are verifiable, quotes from reliable sources, and the citing of those sources. One suggestion: decide if you mean misinformation or disinformation. Remember that many people reading you will be fairly well informed, so you must set your bar at a realistic level if you intend to convince us. Do your homework, check your facts, check them again elsewhere, read, consider, try to be fair yourself, and then post your results. The best journalists do this all the time, as a living, so do your best and get back to us. Thanks.


      1. for every complex issue, there is a simple answer – and it is always wrong. hard to disagree with any comments made about DT. however, consider the alternative. name one thing Clinton accomplished as senator (in a state where she had never lived) or at State. Obama’s likely legacy will be having spied on DT, as he had already done to journalists, like Jeffrey Rosen. listening to people so condescendingly self-righteous and accusatory is what we, Americans, have heard from socialist for years. like being lectured to about how to be parents by people who have never had children. these are very good examples of Neville again. and, that did the Brits do to Churchill after he saved the West? he was once criticized by a young member of parliament. an older member told him he had to go to Chartwell and apologize. he did. upon arriving, he rang the bell. valet answered and told him he would tell Sir Winston. upon returning, he informed the member Sir Winston was on the leu and could only take one shit at a time.


  20. When a Trump supporter expresses Trump-positive statements, simply ask him if he watches Fox News. The answer is inevitably “yes”. Or the defensive “I watch a lot of news stations”, which means he’s too embarrassed to say, “yes.” A Trump supporters does not know how warped he’s become with the stream of misinformation and outright deception from this Orwellian media empire. Notice how a supporter’s defense of Trump comes directly from the Fox list of talking points, without aberration. There’s no originality. There’s no insight. Just mere echoing the scripted Fox mantras.

    Curiously, this pandemic lays bare all of the weaknesses of Trump and his Republican band of criminals, and is a delicious karmic payback. Republicans cut publicly funded programs for virus protection, fired disease control staff en masse, and delayed a unified response to the virus. They’re against public funding of any kind, and now are forced to spend ninefold to rectify it. Spending is everything these imbalanced Tea Party against, in order to rectify a problem they created because they refused to sew “a stitch in time.” Delicious.


  21. Right now the Democrats are saying “Thank God we lost the last Presidential election” They are delighted that they have Trump as the fall guy for the Carona Virus. Can yo imagine how Hilary would have managed it? No doubt the Clinton Foundation would have benefited and she would have sold of more American assets to Russia and China for a personal commission. I would rather have an artless Trump than a “do nothing” Biden or Clinton.


    1. The normal response to your preference of an “…artless Trump to a do nothing Biden…” would be to dismiss you as a silly person with valueless opinions. But I will not stoop to such insults. Instead I will challenge you to give one single example of something useful your “artless Trump” has accomplished since taking office. Of course you might just be poking us all in the eye, in which case, good one.


      1. And you think Obama has class, charm, coolness, credibility, compassion, wit, warmth, wisdom, subtlety, sensitivity, self-awareness, humility, honour and grace!

        He has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing–just the fact that he announced that he was running for President of the United States, amused over half the country. They never believed he had a chance, but the country was tired of politicians like Obama.


      2. We certainly will never know what the troll has accomplished unless you or one of his deplorable tribe enlighten us. I’ll spell it out in small, trumper-friendly words: What good stuff has the troll done? …..We’re waiting.


    2. Trump is the worst ever. He is far worse than artless. He is an incredible disaster. Clinton or Biden the other Republican candidates would be either better or far less awful, if you want to look at it that way. To think Trump is OK is total blindness.


  22. I believe Maria Pontones is 100% correct. Just to add to the 45% that adore him, please add the 10% very wealthy who either vote for him or dont vote against him mainly because they dont have to. Whichever fool gets elected President does their bidding anyway. So far as the few rich that deplore him- it is just an exercise in narcissism as they dont want others to see them compared to him. As far as the ignorance that Trump typifies, the rich are as well, they just know how to gussy it up better.


  23. All true about Donald T. Rump. It might even be too mild. I must say though, that a seeming description of superiority in the way Brits look at people somehow resulted in Boris Johnson and his bunch being in power. Possibly less despicable than Donald and associates, but still pretty dismal. Perhaps follow with an explanation of this while focusing on yourselves?


  24. During the reign of King Dubya we all took notes of his curious utterances. Some Washington Post wag assembled the following collection. Remembering the cute billboards with photos of Dubya asking “Well, do you miss me yet?” I realise that under the reign of the current dolt, we all would miss Attila the Hun. Here, for a nostalgic chuckle or two, are some benign musings from a far less evil ogre than the self-intoxicated creep presently in the White House, whose malignant mutterings poison our world. In the case of this week’s disinfectant injection idea, literally.

    by George W. Bush

    I think we all agree the past is over.
    This is still a dangerous world.
    It’s a world of madmen and uncertainty
    and potential mental losses.

    Rarely is the question asked
    Is our children learning?
    Will the highways of the internet become more few?
    How many hands have I shaked?

    They misunderestimate me.
    I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
    I know that the human being and the fish can coexist.
    Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream.

    Put food on your family!
    Knock down the tollbooth!
    Vulcanize Society!
    Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!


  25. Right, because the Brits have always had such fabulous, classy and compassionate leaders right? Like Thatcher, who screwed your workers better than a cheap hooker could.
    Trump may be full of shit, but at least the americans know it.
    You brits are just more stupid because you actually don’t realise your leaders are full of shit !!


    1. Well, you are speaking as one American (👍👍), but sadly, there are a significant number of you that the rest of us always new were complete fuckwits 🤷🏻‍♂️


    2. Dear John, the British writer who nailed the troll in a very articulate fashion did not claim that Boris Johnson or any other British politician is better or worse than your idiot president. He wasn’t addressing that subject. He is a perceptive and candid commentator. Why don’t you ask him what he thinks of his own leaders? You might be surprised. Jumping to rash conclusions doesn’t paint you in a good light. Try a little harder now. You’re letting the side down.


      1. Fiddler72,
        fair enough, but the point I was trying to make is “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”. We all know Trump is a fuckwit, but this Brit guy’s article is pretty sanctimonious, and before he criticises other countries leaders , he should realise that his own leaders are fuckwits too. The only difference is that career politicians talk nice, use politically correct language, and thus can con the dumb majority they really care for them.
        Trump doesn’t bother with all the politically correct bullshit talk.
        Hence why he is a hit with many voters. They find it refreshing.
        And let’s face it, has he been worse for the USA than the other career politicians before him?
        Many would argue he has been better, but I make no comment about that.


    1. unfortunately, too true – it is painful for many of us for we had a prior president whom we admired, trusted, and often loved.


  26. I agree Trumps words are unworthy of a president. However, his actions are worthy of a president. He has done things our previous presidents were never able to do. Good actions count more than bad words


    1. What actions? Like dividing the nation with his choices on the Supreme court and packing in his cronies onto any committee he can find. Total conman and criminal all to enhance his empire. He has fooled you all.


    2. Why do Trumpers always claim their idiot has accomplished things as president but never, ever give examples?


    3. What good actions would those be Curt? Funny how Trump apologists can be counted on to do two things: 1—crow about Trump’s accomplishments and 2—omit to name even one.


  27. The fact that the British despise Trump is one of the greatest recommendations for him to be President.


    1. Just when we t hought we had discovered the stupidest of the stupid that form Trump’s base, out trots this idiot, Mike Houst, to show us that we were wrong.


    2. Mike, you should really pay attention to recordings of his answers to problems, particularly Covid19, and his tweets. When you listen or read you find a schoolyard bully who hasn’t learned his lessons.

      I watched the Donald in Palm Beach County from 1978 to 2012 and saw a man who couldn’t work with anyone but his Dad. Lee Iaccoca, the savior of Ford Motor Company and Chrysler Motors, was his partner in the Trump Plaza in W. Palm Beach and it lasted less than 6 months because he saw Trump’s defects, as a business man. Any real estate deal Trump does comes with Russian entities buying approximately 33% of the units.

      Add to this that of all his government department heads and senior officials close to 50% have been fired by the reality TV host or quit when nobody seems to have asked how many people have been offered a post and refused.

      he seems to think that he can run America as if it’s a TV show. Well, America used to be the world leader but it/we lost when the 60’s closed and the dumbing down of the educational system started with Viet Nam, which he avoided although not the only one, but our president doesn’t think in those terms. It’s all about sophomoric matters as in the size of an opponent’s hands, and you want to hear his vain bombastic blathering, such as injecting or drinking chlorine bleach to treat the current pandemic?

      Let’s take his braggadocio that he boosted the economy. what did that do for the great unwashed, nada, amigo, no nada.

      Frank the Yank, Louisburgh, Mayo


    3. Well Mike, the rest of us are wondering what life is like with your head screwed on backwards. What we can’t fathom is how anybody with half a brain cell can think that a semi-literate, emotionally stunted, ignorant, self-aggrandizing, mendacious, narcissist—whether or not a British writer damns him to hell—could possibly be considered suitable for anything. Anything at all.


  28. Trump said this about North Korea Kim (funny, maybe the most funniest words then ever came out of England) “Kim, you called me old but I don’t call you short and fat do I” To explain to those stuffy shirt Englishman, Trump just my as well have called him short & fat without calling him short & fat.This is real wit. Put that in your pipe and……Can you top this?


    1. Nah… I’d rate that maybe a 6.5 out of 10 as far as wit. Funny would be to show a photo of Kim at his shortest and fattest moment in time accompanied by: “Kim, you called me old but lately I also feel somewhat short and fat.”


  29. This is ugly. Rather you agree or disagree we used to honor & respect one another. You don’t have to actually speak everything that is inside your head & hearts. But this is what a Godless world sounds like. We are responsible for our voice & our vote, personal responsibility is lacking, the blame game is immature & unhealthy. We have a voting process & we will all have a chance to vote once again. #stopthehate #Jesusispeaceinme


  30. Mel, if you keep your eyes peeled you might catch Carolyn as she swings by this planet from time to time. Oh, there she is now. Carolyn, this is Mel. Mel, this is Carolyn. I think you two might get along.


  31. If you spent the last 50 years as a super-rich bastard in blase’ cocktail conversations with rich, airhead New Yorkers, perhaps you, too, would be unable to make any sense in your 70’s. Poor, poor Donald. (I just love all men.)


  32. Hey Carolyn – how do you like the orange baboon now – only 200,000 deaths so far and no plan forthcoming. What a genius – and religious freedom – I’m assuming that you can practise whatever religion you want and everyone else’s is banned, because, ya know, you’re too ignorant?? stupid?? can’t read?? to investigate what their religion’s about. And don’t start with yours is the best and only – I’m thinking any path up the mountain to find the Big Guy is a good one. And NATO and prolife? Surely you jest. What rock have you been living under? I’d suggest you keep your idiotic all caps opinions to yourself, because they’re not helpful to what’s happening on dear old Mother Earth right now.


  33. Ah Michael, I find your assessment so astute and can only improve it by substituting the phrase “ad nauseam” for your choice of “ad infinitum” … and I should thank you for your kind words for those of us who are Americans. Cheerio old chap!


  34. The most indecent people I have ever meet in my life are “devoutly religious”. I was stalked by a pious church deacon, who attempted to scam me of $120.00 dollars. Luckily my late husband was a lawyer, and told her he would take her to court, and she would lose. She returned the $120.00, Stepped on my feet, and said I don’t deal with garbage. When I went to the bank to report her, she said I embarrassed her in front of the officer. Not a word of the anguish she caused me and my husband. I was also scammed of $10,0000.00 by a religious pervert dentist, who makes three threatening phone calls to me, to address me as honey, and to tell me I do not believe in god. Likewise our religious landlord, who sends scammers to our apartment to evict us. Same with a former coworker, who I treated like a sister, who defends my enemies, yet gets into a shoving match with her enemy by the xerox machine. Religion is nothing but genocide and slaughter by one group who does not believe the lie that you live 900 years, and another group that does not believe the lie that you are raised from the dead. All politicians are for sale. Religion is scum holding up signs in the subway, and pedophile priests, adulterers, liars and thieves, who are the soul of compassion for anyone who hurts you and turns your cheek.


  35. Years later, and I am still sharing this as the most brilliant thing I’ve ever read. Although it’s now bled out into other places on the net, I still always share it from here, too.


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